Saturday 15 May 2010

An underated bodyweight exercise

I'm not sure this exercise is underated I just think that the majority of people havn't heard of it or dont think to do it. The exercise is the bodyweight tricep extension, I first read about it through Ross Enamait but he does it on a stable surface like a table edge. This holds two problems, firstly the height is not adjustable which means you ae limited with your options, sure you can do it on your knees but then you don't get the core involved. Secondly if the table has sharp edges it really hurts your hands to hold on.

So I like to them on my rings, this is a great exercise it really really hits the triceps and shoulders, along with the core being involved. Also with rings you have to stabalise to stop your arms moving all over the place. It has many benefits it develops srong triceps, in my opinion it is better than the skullcrusher exercises with weights because you can keep your form and it uses more muscle, also your body can move in amore natural patteren as apposed to the movement being dictated by gravity. Also it is going to take a long time for you to stop getting any benefit from it, I have my rings at about chest height and then take a step back and its still killer. imgaine how tough it would be with them about 2 feet off the ground with your body in straight line. Or imagine if you could do a one arm tricep extension, I don't even know if the has been done before.Many people say bodyweight exercises are only good for endurance, a few sets of these and your arms will be burning and your triceps will get stronger and stronger with each workout.

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